April Update
Hey friends! First up – thanks to those of you who took the time to like our Facebook page. It was immensely encouraging to receive the support.
We are still cranking away on tracking for our upcoming release. Our lives remain busy outside of AE with kids, work, and other necessary obligations. We realize this isn’t unique to us, however, being that this isn’t our full-time gig the recording happens as time allows. Thanks in advance for your patience.
One major update that we’re excited to share is the plans to release a full album’s worth of material instead of a shorter EP. This may push back the release a bit further, but we feel confident that given our current writing pace a full album serves everyone in the best possible way. We could potentially launch an EP in the next month. Conversely, by waiting to round it out with a few more songs we can present our best work as a fuller collective experience.
As always, thanks for listening. We’re incredibly thrilled with some of the latest tracks and we’re so looking forward to sharing the finished product.